Fellow libertarians, paleos, white males, southerners, Christians, Americans, Westerners, heterosexuals ... please join me in apologizing to the dimwit-Serioso types. And I apologize for implying that those not on the list aren't allowed to apologize ... Anyone is. Except dimwit-Seriosos.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
The Blog Look
2. I apologize for thanking him on a blog dedicated to apologies, not gratitude.
Schiavo, K-Dog, Savage, and Palmer
I also apologize, eh, for pointing out elsewhere, eh, Palmer's childish, petulant refusal to link to Bumper Hornberger's LewRockwell.com article.
And also for, like, descending into Kanuck-speak, eh?
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Law Students
Friday, March 25, 2005
atom feed!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Cops 'n pigs
On that note, I must also apologize for enjoying the wonderful taste of roasted, fried, baked, or grilled pig. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed quite a bit of bacon yesterday, so an apology is definitely in order. Damn those pigs are good! (I know, I know... sorry again)
Sorry to be so scary
In actuality, with but a few very notable exceptions, you may find my viewpoint to have a very strong libertarian leaning.
Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem
El Cid
High School
Terry Schiavo
I really apologize for that one.
dreadful sorry

I also apologize for using "sorry" as a noun and for using "dreadful" to mean full-of-dread.
Driviling, Sniviling Apologies
I have the insane notion that a man should get no more than he earns in life and the government or anyone else is responsible for my or anyone else’s well being, shame on me. I think the Constitution is pretty plainly written and needs no interpretation, how naive of me.
I sincerely apologize to all of the Neo-conic empire builders for all the times I have called you horrible names like; “murder’, “tyrant” and yes I dare say “goose stepping Nazis”. I also apologize to liberals for calling you terrible names like; “nanny”, “fruits” and dare I say again “panty-waisted goose stepping Nazis”.
Many more to follow…
Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem
El Cid
Monday, March 21, 2005
Welcome to the Daily Apology! (again)
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Hail Satan Apology
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Thou shalt not kizzy.Hey Jude:
Thou shalt not commit adultery crazy up in here.
Thou shizzay not steal.
Thou S-H-to-tha-izzalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour n' shit.
Hey jude, don’t makes it bad.
Takes a sad S-to-tha-izzong n makes it rappa ta let hustla into yo heart,
Then you can S-T-to-tha-izzart ta makes it rappa jude, don’t be afraid.
You were made ta go out n get ha.
The minute you let pushas unda yo skin,
Then you begin ta makes it betta.
Printer paper
Monday, March 14, 2005
flesh-colored crayons

I used them to color my pictures of myself and I used the crayons marked Brown to color my pictures of my friend Floyd.
I would also like to apologize if I ever thought the crayons marked Indian Red might have been referring to Red Indians.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Willie Horton

I apologize for not running away from home to teach him a lesson.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Initial apologies from the new guy
To continue with the music chat going on today, I must confess that I'm currently listening to the music of Fela Kuti. More specifically, I'm listening to an album called Expensive Shit. Yes, that's right, the word shit is included in the title, and I must apologize for sharing that information with you. I apologize to the puritan sorts who clicked on that link, only to discover an album cover full of some of God's most wonderful creations, otherwise known as breasts.
I also apolgize for listening to an artist who once created a polygamist colony and was known for being sexist. To those who engage in the whole degrees of Kevin Bacon, guilt-by-association mindset, I must seem to be sexist myself. I assure you all that I am not, and apologize for any confusion sparked by my post.
Combo Number 5
Jonah Goldberg and Bigotry
The angry libertarians are still writing in. Let me be clear: Some of my best friends are libertarians. I voted for the libertarian candidate in 1992. The Overlord of National Review himself, William F. Buckley Jr., describes himself a "libertarian journalist." I'd let my daughter marry a libertarian (this of course discounts, rightly, the many off-color jokes about libertarian sexual preferences one hears from time to time in Washington. Such as the one about the wag who dropped his wallet at the Cato Institute and had to kick it all the way to Brookings before he'd pick it up). But should it be shocking that libertarians bring a different perspective to public-policy issues?
Bad Jokes
- I thought it was funny, but he said "is that the only joke you ever made up?" So, I apologize for it, and for the following:
- When someone calls me a moron, I say, "better than being a less-on"
- I often look at my wife, and say, "Cindy, would you marinate me? I'm sorry, I cantaloupe."
- Or when we approach the doors of a shop, I'll grab the door and jiggle it as if it's locked, and look back at her like, "I guess they're closed." Right after she gets a crestfallen look on her face, I open the door and walk inside, and she goes, "Catholic High."
- Another favorite of mine is when we walk across a parking lot or down a sidewalk, I get that secret service agent look on my face, all stern, eyes darting back and forth, and I sort of walk backwards, circle her, hold up my hand as if to direct her, etc., as if to usher her into a safety, holding up my hands against traffic, etc. Totally geekazoid. She hates it.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Palmer on the Japs
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Nihilistic Apology
I apologize for trying to convince others that convincing others is worthwhile.
on behalf of the 48%

I apologize for not paying the premium cable channel for the dubious privilege of participating in their exploitation and objectification of all women everywhere.

I apologize both to women and the premium cable channel that I then tried to watch the blurry images after not paying for the crisp clean version of the images.

I apologize for doing so many screen captures of the scrambled versions of the intellectual property of the unpaid premium cable channel.

I apologize for wondering if I get to take back some of my apology to all women since I didn't actually remunerate the premium cable channel for their exploitative objectification .

Saturday, March 05, 2005
Wang Apology
I apologize for calling the unisex wash room, the misogynistic heteroname: "Men's Room."
I apologize in advance for using the terms "man," "woman," "sex," "penis," "testes," "mojo," and "circlejerk."
Friday, March 04, 2005
eurocentric foot-in-mouth

And I'm sorry I just referred to Native Americans as Indians.
In fact, I'm sorry I ever called anyone an "Indian giver" when I clearly should have called them a "Native American giver" instead.
Feminist Joke
Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: That's not funny. That's really not funny.
Palmer Apology
Lawyer apology
I also apologize for being a lawyer. And, er..., for being a self-hating lawyer. And... for stealing the "self-hating" term from the dimwit-Seriosos.
Daily White Hetero Souther Male Apology
Ported over from my StephanKinsella.com blog...
Daily White Hetero Southern Male Apology: I apologize today for being white. I apologize to Tom Palmer and his dimwit-Serioso ilk for having a sense of humor, and for not having a stick up my ass. I apologize for the Holocaust and slavery. I apologize for not apologizing earlier, and for any deficiencies of this apology. I apologize for being a neoConfederate even though I am not one. And I better apologize for not being a neoConfederate too, just to cover all bases. I apologize for not being a bigot, and for defending people who are not bigots from false charges of bigotry.
Please help me think of things to apologize for, since we must ever appease our fellow dimwit-Serioso libertarians and other totalitarian-minded dimwits.